Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Day 62, 2011/07/02 Isiolo

Day 62,  2011/07/02 Isiolo

Once again, no overlanders! Neither at Gaddisa or at the other campsite. Nothing like boredom and frustration to drive a person to make rash decisions. Many of us in the modern world would think heading into the unknown, with an old bike, which may break down, with a weld job that i am not certain will hold out, to an area where you know there is no cellphone's coverage, through terrain which is known to break cars, bikes and trucks alike! However, I was reasonably confident that, even if I did break down, there would be at least a truck or two which i could load my bike onto. So not the end of the world. There were however were stories of bandits on the road. After discussions with a friend I made in town called Kalla, we mentioned to me that the bandits were on the tarred road and very isolated and, as long as i did not stop for anyone, I would be fine. He also said, the fighting that had been experienced in the region s between locals for control of grassing land. The drought and forced the local farmers to search further a field for pastures for their cattle. And since there are no fences, they wonder into each others territory. Hence, the conflict. However, I have been told that they shoot between themselves and do not care for the Umzungu(white)  tourist.
So departure set for tomorrow,Sunday, if I find someone or not. I have decided not to tell Joni or my mom back home because, I know they will worry unnecessarily. However, I have decided to tell David, so that at least someone is aware of where I am incase things go pear shaped. 
Being Saturday,it was also Super Rugby semifinal weekend, so with the help of Kalla,was able to find a place with DSTV. The initial venue, was at a pub where the locals chew Miraa. It is a drug/herb that locals chew, much like dagga back in SA. The only problem was that people tend then to spit out the chewed leaves and directly onto the floor. I opted to skip this one are head for the Isiolo Transit Hotel,where there was a lovely bar which, i had all to myself. Pity the Stormers could not cpm to the party and the rugby was disappointing. 

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